Andrew Garber, MS, LMFT, CH - President

Our Services & Fees

Keys to Personal Wellness & Success

Professional Psychotherapy, Therapy and/or Counseling

Our desire is to consistently encourage people to discover, accept & invest in their own talents & strengths. We offer our clients the opportunity to overcome any of the roadblocks that would otherwise continue to keep them “stuck!” Personal doubts, resentments, regrets and fears are roadblocks to growth & success. These roadblocks are generally a result of past hurts. We, therefore responsibly provide a safe & encouraging setting for clients to write and live their therapeutic contract, as they heal their emotional & cognitive hurts. Our clients discover their courage, their capability and their own personal power. We discover how successful we humans can be when we consciously re-decide to make things happen by re-writing our blueprints, our personal life script! In order to assure the continuity of quality service we offer the concept of “extended therapy” sessions whereby our sessions are structured to afford clients
additional time to do their work in a timely manner.

Individual, Couple and/or Family Therapy

Clients may contract for session length for whatever amount of time they want. Sessions are usually 60 minutes. A 60-minute time unit fee is $120, therefore a 90 minute session fee, for example, would be $180, and so on. This equation of fee per unit of time holds true for all services, except our intake session fee which is $140 for 80 minutes as noted below.

  • Initial (Intake Assessment) Session

    The Initial Session, considered to be an Initial or “Intake” Session, includes the completion of basic forms/data collection, personal introductions, a clear explanation of the therapy process and client-therapist contract, initial information gathering, identification of the reason for therapy, the establishment of goals & objectives & the acknowledgement of potential timely solutions.
    Session Length: 80 minutes. Our Service Fee is: $140.

  • Sessions following the Initial Intake Assessment

    Continued therapy sessions include: on-going problem assessment, progress/goal review, therapeutic dialogue interaction & techniques, as well as, processing the positive changes.
    Session Length: 60 minutes. Our Service Fee is: $120.


  • The Initial Hypnotherapeutic Intake/Assessment & Induction

    As in the case of a routine therapy assessment, the Hypnotherapy Intake Assessment includes introductions, initial information gathering, goal establishment, in addition to, a thorough overview of the hypnotherapy process, and the establishment of trust, safety & rapport, a hypnotherapeutic relaxation induction during the session, as well as, a personalized script writing process (which occurs after the session is completed and in preparation of the follow-up session.) Therefore, the hypnotherapy intake assessment session lasts 90-100 minutes with an additional 30 – 45 minutes of post session personalized therapeutic script writing. During this process our desire is to clarify the participant’s goals, begin to develop the initial strategies of achieving the presented goals & to provide a safe atmosphere so the participant will feel, confident, competent, relaxed & focused. In summary, the Initial Intake Assessment Session includes basic introductions, initial information exchange & gathering of information (including a thorough discussion of hypnotherapy, specific goal setting, and a presentation of relaxation techniques.
    Session Length: 90 minutes. / Our Service Fee is: $160.

  • Follow-up Hypnotherapy Sessions

    Hypnotherapy Sessions include the on-going re-establishment of trust, safety & rapport, setting preparation, relaxation induction, therapeutic anchoring, suggestions and re-decisions, reorientation to full consciousness and therapeutic processing. We also combine traditional counseling & therapy concepts & procedures with the hypnosis to assure and strengthen each of our participant’s re-decisions and/or goal fruition.
    Session Length: 90 minutes. / Our Service Fee is: $140.

Additional Services

  • Professional Assessments

    The Garber counseling center offers professional assessments. Our clinical and diagnostic assessments are very thorough and comprehensive reports based on a highly organized information gathering process via structured interviews and consults, written questionnaires, and reliable and valid testing procedures. Our Master’s Level Assessments are used as tools for advocacy, consultation, and educational purposes. We have provided assessments for physicians, the court system, i.e., judges, the office of probation and parole, as well as educational programs and treatment facilities. Our assessments have included, however are not limited to, the following psychosocial issues:

    • Anger Management, i.e., Propensity toward Aggression and or Domestic Violence
    • Emotional Stability/Mood Disturbances and/or Disorders
    • Intrapersonal & Interpersonal Processes (Personal Boundaries, Assertiveness, etc.)
    • Intellectual Functioning
    • Parenting Skills
    • Personal Self-Regulation
    • Personality Traits & Domains
    • Sexuality Issues (Abuse, Deviancy etc.,)
    • Substance Abuse/Addiction
    • Trauma Recovery

    Assessment fees are based on an hourly rate of $180/hour. Assessments may vary in length of time and generally can take anywhere, on average, from 10 to 15 hours of billable time including direct contact, testing, scoring, consultation, and report writing. The overall process is generally completed within 5 to 7 business days. A deposit of 50% of the estimated cost will be required at the time of Intake.

  • The Collaborative Divorce Process

    Andrew Garber welcomes all of those couples who are considering the option of divorce to consider participating in the Collaborative Divorce Process. Andrew has been trained in the process of Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice and has successfully experienced serving as The NMHP in many cases since January 2019. His fees are listed below.

    The Role of The Neutral Mental Health Professional (The NMHP)

    In her description of The Mental Health Practitioner’s role within the Divorce Process, Dr. Lana Stern writes, “Divorce encompasses legal financial and emotional issues the decision to divorce is not an easy or simple task it is one of the most emotionally stressful events that an individual couple or family will experience there are many conflicting emotions that are experienced in changes that occur on multiple levels. It is for many a time of loss which begins the acknowledgement that the marriage is over and continues as the family recovers reorganizes and restructures relationships. It is both an end in the beginning and hold sadness and hope for those involved There are many ways to divorce most of them involve painful changes to the family structure often superimposed in hostile stressful circumstances with long term consequences both financially and emotionally especially to the individuals that are most vulnerable. The COLLABORATIVE PROCESS, however, OFFERS AN ALTERNATIVE, non-litigated, non-adversarial in nature. It utilizes an interdisciplinary team made of specially trained professionals who meet in a series of team meetings to help the couple resolve their issues in a civil and respectful manner. The team of professionals is made up of two attorneys, one neutral mental health professional, and one neutral financial advisor/planner who work with the couple in a series of joint meetings. The couple voluntarily agrees not to litigate obviating the need for depositions subpoenas or opposing experts the attorneys advocate specifically for their clients, but they share in the common goal of facilitating mutual agreement between the parties. Financial costs can actually be lower, and the emphasis is on cooperation, family privacy, and THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILDREN. The collaborative process allows professionals to guide the couples through their divorce in an environment grounded in good faith, cooperation, integrity, honesty, transparency, and professional ethics. The couple is empowered to determine their own unique resolution to look at options make assessments and collateral damage is significantly minimized and post-divorce familial relationships are enhanced relative to the traditional divorce process.

    The inclusion of a mental health professional in the divorce process is the one most essential component that allows for this transaction to proceed and minimize stress and pain. The immediate involvement of the mental health professional in the divorce process is finally being understood and acknowledged by attorneys as a necessary factor for the successful completion of the divorce and mental health professional can interviewed in a multitude of situations from simple misunderstandings in among the team members to real crisis situations the mental health professional can help with problem solving creative thinking and be a support system for both professionals and clients along with the other team members they can help facilitate the meetings and be the voice of safety and neutrality.”

    The NMHP’s Fees

    Andrew’s fees/hourly rate for this highly effective and integral service within the Collaborative Process is $180.00/ per hour. At the time of contract initiation, the Clients will agree to pay an initial Retainer Fee which will be reviewed and signed by all respective parties representing their respective clients.

  • Court Preparation & Appearances

    A thorough preparation for court testimony generally averages 5 to 6 hours. Therefore, court preparation fee is $1,000 per case (payment due in full prior to the clinician’s court appearance). The length of court appearances vary, therefore the client is asked to remit $120 per hour for each hour that the clinician is present in the courtroom until the clinician’s professional testimony is completed. Payment for testimony may be remitted on that day.

Payment Methods

  • Cash
  • Personal Check
  • Money Order
  • Bank Check
  • Direct Deposit via “Zelle”
  • Please remember: WE DO NOT ACCEPT CREDIT and/or DEBIT CARDS.

Regarding 3rd Party Payment (Health Insurance)

  • We ask that our clients remit full payment at the time of each therapy session. In exchange,
  • We will provide the client with a thorough and accurately detailed Client Invoice for Services at the end of every third session (as preferred by insurance companies)
  • The client is asked to then forward the Invoice provided to their respective insurance provider for the purpose of attaining reimbursement.

Relevant Provider Information

  • National Provider ID#: 1932400371
  • CAQH Provider ID#: 12149765
  • Aetna Provider ID#: 5056135
  • BC/BS Provider ID#: Z4505

Cancellation Policy

We believe in fairness regarding cancellations. Three simple rules have we:
  • Client’s are required to provide at least 24 hours cancellation notice in non-emergency related situations.
  • Clients are responsible for 50% of the contracted service fee should the client violate the cancellation policy.
  • The clinician will forfeit 50% of the client’s following session fee should the clinician violate the cancellation policy.


Corporate/Business Services

Keys to Personal Wellness & Success

Our Mission

The Garber Counseling Center affords Corporations, Small Businesses and Professional Firms the opportunity to reach their ultimate levels of success in the following program component areas: Staff Development, Strategy Execution, Operational Procedures, Customer Relations, Performance & Productivity, and Standards of Service.

Our Methods

We provide direct, on-site, person-to-person Coaching, Training, Workshops and Seminars. We espouse to the highest standard of professional communication & education processes. We utilize Strength Based, Didactic, “Re-Decision Making” techniques. We empower individuals and maximize their human potential.

Our Commitment

The Garber Counseling Center provides 100% of the contracted services, 100% of the time…assuring our clients receive the very best service that money can buy in a timely, professional & personable manner! We value our clients!

Our Clients’ Interests

Business Ethics; Communication Strategies; Conflict Resolution; Emotional Intelligence; Skill Identification; Stress Reduction; Talent Awareness; Team Building; Time Management; Solution Focused Goal Development & Strength Based Personal Power Building, and more.

Our Corporate Services

  • Coaching

    The Premier Coaching Package: (23+ hours)

    Includes the following:
    • A 2 Hour Pre-Coaching Session with Employee, Employee’s Supervisor and Coach. This session includes Assessment, Orientation, Contract Development, Goal Planning and Scheduling.
    • Ten 80 minute Coaching Sessions, On-Site with Client - 13 Hours.
    • Periodic Phone, Text and E-mail Consults between Coach and Employee - 3 Hours maximum.
    • Exit Interview/Performance Assessment of Employee’s Progress and/or Goal Achievement & Feedback Assessment– 2 Hours.
    • Administrative Documentation and Report Writing – 3 Hours.

  • Training, Workshops & Power Seminars

    Half-Day Training: (4 hours)
    Full Day Training: (8 hours)
    Premier Training Packages: 2 Day; 3 Day; 4 Day

    Includes the following:
    • Initial Consultation/Contract Proposal & Development with Trainer & Client
    • On Site Presentations
    • Follow-up Quality Feedback Assessment